Artist Management: We’re ready! The journey can begin! Finally the new album CHASING TRACES of ALINA AMURI is available on Vinyl, CD and Download/Streaming! Get the album here: Get the album...
Artist Management: Wir sind ready! Los geht’s! Das neue Album CHASING TRACES von ALINA AMURI ist nun endlich da. Erhältlich auf Vinyl, CD und Download/Streaming! Album: Hier...
Artist Management: Alina Amuri neu bei Sony Music Neues Album Chasing Traces – out now! CHASING TRACES (Release: 18.05.18) entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hamburger Produzenten-Team AmberYard – Jochen Niemann, Simon Gaudes, Leo Agthe & Walter Esposito....
Artist Management: Alina Amuri new signing of Sony Music ALINA AMURI new album CHASING TRACES out 18/05/2018 CHASING TRACES is the story of a journey. A year ago, ALINA AMURI set off on a journey in search of her roots, in search of herself. What she found was new...
Artist Management: remixed by… yunis! yunis is a young, multitalented producer and DJ with extraordinary skills who is deeply rooted in Hamburg’s big bass music scene. His sound is dark and often carries his arabian signature influences, but isn’t easily...