Engagement: TIR campaign wins „Poster of the Year“ award again!
AManfredi Entertainment congratulate!
An awareness-raising campaign by Tier im Recht (TIR) has won the prestigious „Swiss Poster of the Year“ award again. On March 9, the campaign „Animals as Trash“ was selected as the winner in all categories at the APG|SGA Poster Night. Like in 2013, the campaign was once again designed by the creative agency Ruf Lanz. TIR is very pleased with this prestigious recognition and would like to thank Ruf Lanz sincerely for the many years of amicable and successful collaboration.
The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) is a charitable, operational, and fully independent non-profit organization. More about TIR under their website www.tierimrecht.org.

AManfredi Entertainment
Alessandra Manfredi
Oberer Rütiweg 4
CH-8803 Rüschlikon
E-Mail: am@amanfredi.ch
Art direction:
Marc Wetli
Adrian Bretscher/Hangar Ent. Group
Ellen Mathys
IcoDesign Palleja
© 2016 AManfredi Entertainment